Do your customers like to message you for product recommendations and/or ask questions about your products? Are you wanting to provide a timely and thoughtful response? Well, today is your lucky day! We’re talking about Shopkey, the new iOS keyboard app from Shopify, which allows you to efficiently and effectively communicate with your customers straight from your phone!



Because timing is everything. When a customer has a question about products you stock or recommend, it’s important to provide a helpful response – and quickly! All you have to do is open the Shopkey app from your iPhone. Click on the world icon in your iPhone keyboard. Then, search for the product page you want to share. Finally, send it off to your customer. Your customer is then directed to the product’s purchase page where they can get the information they need and complete their purchase!


Whether you’re promoting your products on Facebook, Pinterest, or another social media site, Shopkey allows you to tie in your marketing efforts! In addition, for each product you share via Shopkey, your UTM code, is automatically added to the link. When you log back into Shopify, you’ll be able to determine the platforms which are providing you with the best traffic! You can then use this information to further target your future campaigns.


If you want to engage your clients, Shopkey is, well, key! Without ever having to leave the conversation, you can make product recommendations and share your thoughts on customer needs. Building a trusting relationship with your customer provides a memorable experience and helps develop a personal connection!