You’re constantly hunting down the best ways to get your products in front of more of the right people. You know as well as the next e-commerce business owner that brand awareness increases sales. An important ingredient in the marketing mix is spreading valuable information about your product; whether that’s educating the customer how to use it, showing them how it’ll improve their lives, or just sharing real-life testimonials. All of these things help attract the right people to your site and sell more products. So, how do you accomplish that for your Shopify store? Integrate Shopify with Hubspot!
Integrate Shopify with Hubspot
Pre-built workflows
This new integration that’s now available offers you pre-built workflows to better communicate with your customers. These workflows will be available directly on your E-commerce Integrations page.
Welcome new customers
Convert first-time visitors into long-term loyal customers by initiating meaningful conversations with them right from the start. This new integration allows for you to seamlessly blend your customer behavior patterns with your email marketing tactics.
reduce abandoned carts
By monitoring your customer’s site behavior, you can automatically send out action-based reminder emails to your customers who have items left in their cart. Hey! Life is constantly throwing out tiny little distractions. So sometimes people just need that gentle little reminder to follow through with the sale. Increase your conversions when you integrate Shopify with Hubspot.
re-engage with old customers
While it’s always great to complete a sales transaction, your work isn’t done yet. You want your customers to keep coming back for more time and time again. With this new integration, you can continue to re-engage with previous customers who haven’t purchased in a while. Don’t let that relationship run stale!
How to integrate Shopify with Hubspot
What you’ll need:
- A HubSpot account
- A Shopify account
This integration is free to use for all customers with Hubspot and Shopify accounts. And it works with all Shopify/Hubspot pricing plans. To implement the integration, simply login to (or create) your Hubspot account and navigate to the integrations library!
If you’re interested in supercharging your Shopify store, get in touch! We’re Shopify experts and can help you set your store up for success right from the start!